Bandeira Bandeira Bandeira

Own Brand Construction Enfeite

Own Brand Construction

We believe that the Own Brand is a strong strategic pillar for customer/consumer loyalty. The Own Brand, both for distributors and retailers, gives more autonomy, more control and allows products to be built with the face of the company. In today’s competitive scenario, standing out seems like a great challenge and we can help your company on this path.

It is important to have a clear positioning at the point of sale, understand how much they can earn from the sales of their products and the true value that the brand creates in their business. Currently, Own Brands continue to evolve and communicate their attributes to the final consumer. And together with our partners, we managed to bring more profitability and competitive advantage.

What can we do for you: Creation of branding, storytelling and visual identity | Trademark registration at the INPI | Development of the Brand and Communication Guide | Strategic planning | Disclosure and marketing
